The challenge would require one to have 3 weigh-ins and started with an initial BMI weigh in, that was recorded for each participant, and meal plans shared for both fat loss and muscle gain along with the relevant work outs designed for one to carry out virtually.

At every 2 week interval the team would then have a physical work out, to check on progress, meet each other as well as a chance to interact with the specialists and coaches and go through work out sessions, these sessions were split in to 3 as below;

Biggest Loser - Fat

Fadzai Chakona

1st place

Thank you so much Musabvunda for the challenge!!! I am still in disbelief,as I was genuinely not expecting this. A big Thank You to the coaches for the workouts and guidance; some of them who directly pushed us @The General Classic gym, @Prim Thickfit makandikoshera… My team (the three musketeers as General calls us,lol)@Tinashe G and Memory N, team Classic gym thank you for the daily push and great team work.Thank you to each and everyone who participated in here, for the motivation through your posts. This group and the challenge motivated me to keep pushing just when I was about to throw in the towel, I am officially looking forward to the beautiful fitness journey ahead🙂 #Musabvunda#kubvundahutera#BiggestLoser/Gainer2023

Cleopatra Taaziva

2nd place

Thankful to #Musabvunda and the whole team who made The Biggest Loser Challenge a success! Its called “challenge” for a reason, if you do not feel challenged, then you are not doing it right and weight loss is a journey, no shortcuts.  You’ve got to put in the work!  It was great working together with the various coaches, doctors nutritionists, physiotherapists….they kept us in check. The workouts were onpoint. What i learnt from this challenge is that *consistency* and *discipline* are very key to any fitness or weightloss journey. Working with the rest of the team members was a bonus because of the motivation and inspiration from fellow participants through posting/sharing workouts and healthy meal plans. I was inspired, this gave me the strength to keep pushing each day! I just want to encourage everyone out there to never give up, even when you feel like you are not seeing any results, #musabvunda, stay focused, be consistent and make it a lifestyle😎. My favourite saying  is #EazyDoezIt …so, it’s never too late, start somewhere, and turn it into a habit. Your health is your wealth ! See you at the next challenge!

Rumbidzai Masviba

3rd place

Biggest Gainer - Muscle

Caroline Mugochi

1st place

There were other prizes given to the team for various sections: Most consistent in work outs- Tracey Mawoneke and Rumbidzai Matambanadzo Most consistent in meal plans and work outs- Rumbidzai Masviba Most encouraging- Rutendo Masoha and Chipo Gwanzura Other challenges We also have various challenges during the events such as Strength wars and fitness challenges, These include: Deadlift Car pull These are aimed at encouraging upcoming weight lifters to take part as well as serves as a platform for seasoned weight lifters to have a platform to perfect their skill as we also aim to promote good sportsmanship.