Musabvunda Apparel

Musabvunda Apparel is the foundation of the Musabvunda Brand, aiming to sell quality and affordable sports wear for both fitness and leisure. The act of exercising regardless of how long or intense requires one to be comfortable and have breathable attire. Musabvunda apparel is exactly that with a very wide range of items to choose from ranging from Dri-fit t-shirts that are breathable and fitting, shorts, tights that are comfortable and have carrying capacity for gadgets to make work outs easier, to caps, sweat jackets, gym gloves and more.

Musabvunda Fitness

We have engaged quite a number of experts in the health and fitness industry to aid in accomplishing this aspect of the brand, these include Doctors, Physio Therapists, Coaches as well as Nutritionists. Their aim is to give people the adequate information required to help them achieve their fitness goals, offer consults at events as well as knowledgeable expertise to assist in current conditions that others may have.

Musabvunda Events

To encompass all the above we also host events and challenges to help keep participants active and achieve their goals. We have a full calendar of a variety of events to help keep people engaged and give them access to different fitness and health experts. This includes variety of coaches with different skills hi-lo, kata box, the doctors, nutritionists as well as physio therapists.


BMI Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25 - 29.9 Overweight
30 and Above Obese